The best stress reliever so far: camwhoring during class hours.
a) me and my forever Computer Systems seatmate, Enchees
b) with Chris after "doing" our computer project and lastly,
c) I shifted the camera to Chary and Fred and err... Enchees' hand
I pigged out today and it was worth 4 days without lunch. This time, I'm serious. During the start of the day, I promised I'll never it anything full today like full lunch, dinner or breakfast and it was mainly because of three reasons: 1) I had to save more money, 2) I'm so fat (don't even dare to say that I'm thin 'cause you haven't seen my tummy yet and I don't have any plans to show them to you hahaha. Anyway...) and 3) it's Lenten Season already for God's sake. I need to quit being gluttonous.
But the plan was a failure, as always. Who couldn't resist food anyway? And sweets when they're delicious-looking as these...
Red Ribbon's new Chocolate Heaven
and their Cookies and Cream cake (now with Oreo!)
Moving on, due to insistent demand of projects, paperworks and whatever thingamajig going on in school, I now lack sleep and it's also the cause of me and my blockmates pigging out :( There's the English argumentative paper due, Calculus finals on the 13th and the last long exam on the 11th, programming project and the Filipino thesis paper.
Yes, we have a thesis paper as early as now. What are we anyway, graduating students? God, please help these professors... and us.
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