Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Be gone, by gone.
I never thought that the actual phase of having to move out all my stuff from our present house to a new one was hard. I had to carefully choose which I have to transfer.
On another note, I’d like to say that despite my efforts to actually think of something sensible and that is so nostalgic about my family’s “move” to an expectedly better place to my school, I have nothing right now. The caffeine’s effect must’ve left my body already that instead of talking about gibberish whatnots, I’ll just share photos of our soon-to-be new home :)
The first installment of my stuff… more to come, I guess.
The new neighborhood I’m gonna be seeing.
And, hopefully, not our everyday dinner lol
Spam + Andok’s chicken + fried chicken… there’s too many chickens in this world.
Anyare sa manok?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I'll say go to Asian Vogue

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend but I beg to differ. It's shoes that I would choose if I would be ever given a chance to choose between the two. But, as of now, I should stick to online window shoe shopping and keep praying that I win Ms. Angel's (of Asian Vogue!) giveaway :)
In order to qualify, you have to do the following:
1. Follow Asianvogue during the contest duration. - +1 entry
2. Reblog this post - +1 entry
3. Add our Multiply Account - +1 entry
4. Like Asianvogue's official fan page (the one with the pink profile photo) - +1 entry
5. Post anything on your wall telling us why you love Asianvogue or just a simple note and tag the fanpage - +3 entries
6. Follow our Twitter account - +1 entry
7. Tweet something about @asianvogueshop - +2 entries
8. Place the Asianvogue badge on your site/blog - +5 entries
(Code can be found right here! As Blogspot automatically converts the HTML thing)
9. Blog anything about Asianvogue - +5 entries
Total of 20 entries :)
Email your name and email address including all the entries you've done, your fb/multiply/tumblr/twitter account's username/link and blog url/link where you placed our badge or blogged about Asianvogue.
Send to asianvogueshop@ymail.com with the subject "BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY ENTRIES".
-If your account is set to private, please attach a screenshot.
-Giveaway is open to all Philippine residents only.
-All entries are subject to verification.
Giveaway will end on October 25 and winners will be chosen via Random.org on November 1.
Friday, October 21, 2011
I LOVE COFFEE! ('nuf said)

What got you hooked?
How do you drink your coffee?
What’s your favorite coffee Cafe?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A million words would not bring you back, I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears, I know because I've cried.
- whats_upmildred@Twitter
Ugh, stop.

For the millionth time, I've been asked, "are you on a diet?"