2 My "I-was-supposed-to-get-that-coffee-planner-but-I got-fat/broke-on-the-10th-frappe" (phew!) planner. I chose this over the Starbucks mainly because it's cheaper and it's got a more casual feel in it.
3 Staedtler colored pens are the best ever. It always goes with my planner. I got this from a good friend last last Christmas and 'til now, I'm grateful for her for buying it!
4 The bookmark I'm always using when I read books and was from another good friend. She gave me this during my last birthday.
5 I treat this Egg pouch as my wallet. I'm using this since it's more handy than a usual wallet.
6 (Name: Morris) My "new" cellphone. My phone got lost 3 days before my birthday so I had to bear with this one before I can get my dream phone which is a SoftBank one.
7 (Name: Amber) Nikon Coolpix P100. Now can anyone tell me, is this actually a DSLR? I'd love to join this photography workshop in San Juan this summer if it is one :3 Anyway, my parents bought me this during our last trip to Singapore and it's much, much cheaper than the ones here in the Philippines.
8 And, lastly. (Name: George) My iPod! This one, I cannot live without. 'nuf said.
I just wanted to share the things that make my life bearable this summer. Oh, let me correct that. They're my life this summer.
PS: Please excuse my bed cover right thur~~